Visit Normandy

A calm escape from the hustle and bustle of Paris By Maureen Callahan In the wake of this summer’s 80th anniversary of D-Day, it’s all eyes on Normandy. And while history is around every corner here, this gem of a region is known for more than its museums and memorials. It is one of France’s…

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A Page Out of History: Downers Grove’s Baseball History

BY MAUREEN CALLAHAN I PHOTOS COURTESY OF DOWNERS GROVE MUSEUM Baseball. It’s the American game. Not only is it the country’s earliest seriously organized sport (there were cricket leagues before it), but, as Civil War and baseball historian Bruce Allardice points out, the game helped heal a fractured country after a war. The Downers Grove…

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Rudy: 30 years later, Rudy walks on with a new generation

By Maureen Callahan Everybody loves an underdog. Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger is one of the most memorable in the history of film. Thirty years ago, audiences watched him muscle his way into one of the country’s most selective institutions, the University of Notre Dame (UND). This non-scholar of less athletic ability than his teammates worked harder…

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Back in Time: Leslie Goddard brings history to life

By Maureen Callahan Most of us dream of finding an occupation we love- something for which we have a heartfelt passion while still making a living. Leslie Goddard has managed to do just that. This home-grown historian brings the past back to life – in a fun and entertaining way – through character impersonations and…

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Making History: A new documentary captures the story of the Tivoli Theatre, Classic Cinemas, and the family behind the scenes

BY VALERIE HARDY | Photos Victor Hilitski For many attending the sold-out premiere of the documentary film “History Happens Here: The Tivoli Theatre” on May 2, it was a very meta experience. They were watching a film about the Tivoli Theatre in the Tivoli Theatre. Produced by independent filmmaker Jim Toth in conjunction with the…

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